Optimal Layout of Power Cable in Conduit 电力电缆在排管内敷设的优化布线方法
With the building and operating of large-scale hydro power stations and pumped storage plants, the water power proportion in our country is increasing year by year and the effects of hydraulic system dynamic process which includes conduit system and hydroturbine on power system stability is standing out. 随着大型水电站和抽水蓄能电站的不断兴建和投入运行,水电在我国电力系统中的比重逐年增大,水力系统(包括输水系统和水轮机)动态过程对电力系统稳定性的影响日益突出。
The relation T_w> T_A usually meets the case that water power stations are constructed in long conduit ( without surge tank) form or short conduit and bulb turbine generator. 具有长引水道(无调压井)或短引水道贯流式机组的水电站,往往Tw>Ta。
In the current stability computation of power system, simplified models of hydraulic system are usually used which assume rigid water hammer models of simple conduit and ideal hydroturbine model. 目前在电力系统稳定计算中,水力系统通常采用简单输水管道刚性水击和理想水轮机假设下的简化模型。
The pump was consisted of a high power supply module, an electroosmotic channel, a micro conduit, spaced electrodes, a gas-eliminating device and a pressure transducer. 泵体主要由高压电源、电渗柱、毛细通道、导电空心电极以及气泡去除器、压力传感器等构成。
The results indicate that the blood flow resistance is in inverse proportion to 4 power of the conduit radius. 实验结果表明,因为血流阻力与血导管半径的4次幂成反比。
The geological hazard risk controlling is mainly the foundation disposal of power plants projects and the resisting eroding of sea floor conduit. 地质灾害风险处理主要是电厂工程的基础处理及管道抗冲刷处理。
Routing Techniques for Multichip Modules Optimal Layout of Power Cable in Conduit 多芯片组件的布线电力电缆在排管内敷设的优化布线方法
The underground penstock for the Husonghe Hydroelectric Power Station was designed using the calculation method of raising the allowable stress as an open conduit; 户宋河电站地下埋管主管的设计,采用按明管设计提高允许应力的计算方法;
The transient simulation of power system uses usually simplified models of conduit system and hydro turbine. Similarly the simplified models of synchronous generator and power system are used in transient simulation of hydraulic system. 电力系统仿真往往采用粗略的输水系统水轮机模型,而水力系统仿真则往往采用粗略的同步电机电力系统模型。